
Scaling PHP FPM based on utilization demand on Kubernetes

Ever since I've migrated to Kubernetes I've been working on a Matomo Helm chart. Part of that Helm chart is having autoscale it on how busy PHP FPM is, a.k.a. the percentage of busy workers.

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Status

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Categories: PHP - Kubernetes Tags: PHP - Kubernetes - FPM - Metrics


Happy (New Year|2021)!

Happy new year! May it be finishing off the crap 2020 started, and get a lot better after that!


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Categories: Blogging Tags: Blogging


Building the next generation react/http PSR-15 adapter

Two and a half years ago I wrote how to use RecoilPHP to create a PSR-15 middleware adapter for react/http using coroutines, monkey patching, and autoloader hijacking. Today there is a followup on that without any coroutines, monkey patching, and autoloader hijacking. But using ext-parallel instead, react-parallel/psr-15-adapter was created.

Needle Threads Sewing Thread Eye Of A Needle

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Categories: PHP - ReactPHP Tags: PHP - ReactPHP - Threads - PSR-15