
The DigitalOcean challenge: Implementing Kyverno

DigitalOcean put a challenge out at the end of this year to improve your knowledge of Kubernetes. And while it's been nearly two years I created my first cluster with them, (It's still my main public cluster.), there is always more to learn. So in this post we're going to take a look at Kyverno for policy enforcement.

PHP 8.1 fibers (green threads)

Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

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Categories: Kubernetes - DigitalOcean - Kyverno Tags: YAML - security - policy


async & await at the edge with ReactPHP

PHP 8.1 is out and the hip new feature for non-blocking and asynchronous programming in PHP are fibers. In this post we're going to explore them and see how we at ReactPHP will start with them at the edge.

PHP 8.1 fibers (green threads)

Photo by Dids from Pexels

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Categories: PHP - ReactPHP Tags: 8.1 - Fibers - PHP - Async - Await


Using GitHub private images on your Kubernetes on DigitalOcean (DOKS) 1.20 cluster

Started the upgrade for my Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean earlier tonight, previous upgrades ran without issues, but this time it took a dark turn. In a nutshell, if you have private Docker images hosted at docker.pkg.github.com migrate them to ghcr.io.

Kubernetes 1.20 Chaos

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