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Cancelling ReactPHP fibers

A feature that we really needed to make our fiber integration complete is the cancellation of them. Or to be more precise, the cancellation any awaited promise yielding operations in that fiber and as a consequence the fiber that those are awaited in. This post goes into detail how different cancelation scenarios work for the PR introducing it, and was originally part of that PR's documentation but was replaced by a simpler section.

Cancelled PHP 8.1 fibers (green threads)

Photo by Jeffrey Czum from Pexels

Promises returned by the async function can be cancelled and when done they will cancel any recursive async call and any currently awaited promise using the await function. In the following example echo 'b'; will never be reached, and the await function at the bottom will also throw an exception with the following message Timer cancelled.

$promise = async(static function (): int {
    echo 'a';
    echo 'b';

    return time();


If you however decide to try and catch that await you will reach echo 'b';. The exception you caught however isn't thrown by the bottom await function. Just as with synchronous code catching it lets you ignore the exception or error that is thrown.

$promise = async(static function (): int {
    echo 'a';
    try {
    } catch (\Throwable) {
        // No-Op
    echo 'b';

    return time();


When a fiber is cancelled, all currently pending and future awaited promises will be cancelled. As such the following example will never output c and a timeout exception will be thrown.

$promise = async(static function (): int {
    echo 'a';
    try {
    } catch (\Throwable) {
        // No-Op
    echo 'b';
    echo 'c';

    return time();


Any nested async and await calls are also canceled. You can nest this as deep as you want. As long as you await every promise yielding function you call. The following example will output abc.

$promise = async(static function (): int {
    echo 'a';
    await(async(static function(): void {
        echo 'b';
        await(async(static function(): void {
            echo 'c';
            echo 'd';
        echo 'e';
    echo 'f';

    return time();


Be very much aware that if you call a promise yielding function and not await it, it will not be cancelled. The following example will output acb.

$promise = async(static function (): int {
    echo 'a';
    sleep(0.001)->then(static function (): void {
        echo 'b';
    echo 'c';

    return time();



While this text didn't make the cut in the PR, as most of it is implied. I did feel it is important to put it out there for those looking for some more explicit clarity on this subject.

Categories: PHP - ReactPHP Tags: 8.1 - Fibers - PHP - Async - Await